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What is a render? Basic aspects of a photorealistic rendering

What is a render?

The Render or architectural visualization consists of a digital interpretation recreated in a 3d design program in order to show the idea of ​​an architect through a photorealistic virtual scenario.  

This digital marketing tool helps to create a greater visual impact of the architectural project and makes it easier to understand the volume of a building, since it creates an easier relationship between the buyer and the product. The 3d modeling process helps to understand many technical and constructive issues prior to the construction stage.

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Texmap Image Representation

What is the process of creating a Render?

Among the first steps to be able to carry out a professional Render it is necessary that the architect can have the plans and know the objectives to be shown of the project, in Stiillframe Render Studio we take care of moderating the architectural project .

The Render process goes through several stages in the world of ARCHVIZ or CGI . Starting with the collection of necessary information, such as plans, textures, setting, decoration and lighting, then we continue with the realization of the 3d volume, lighting and texture tests, followed by the positioning of cameras and setting. Ending with rendering and post-production.

Render Types

The Render most common are:  Exterior Render, Render Interior ,  Render Air, 3D rendering plant ,  cutting 3D section , Landscaping , Render 360 , and can be divided into Render Render day or night.

What is a photorealistic render for?

The photorealistic rendering in the real estate sector has become an important work and marketing tool, due to the amount of competition that exists in the market, this helps to sell the project with a preview or as it is normally called a project presale real estate , in a Render there must be a visual differentiator adhering to photorealism, making it easier to identify what is being proposed and what will be delivered to the client.

Among the differentiators that give an advantage to a professional Render can be appreciated the textures, the furniture, the setting, the natural lighting, the artificial lighting, the landscape and the decoration. Resolution plays an important role in the size of an image is an important factor in its use, since it allows them to take a Render to different applications, be it for print advertising, applications, billboards or projectors and 4k and 8k screens.

The professional Render also helps make the idea of ​​an architect more credible for people, since in an interior Render you can appreciate all the space and atmosphere of a house.

In the case of the exterior render , this allows us to understand the shape of the house, the heights, the textures, the colors, the landscaping, among other things.

It should be noted that the real estate sector is not the only one that works with Render, since it is currently also used by Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers, Product Designers, and this allows them to show and sell a project even when it is in their construction stages and having a high-quality display with all its details gives them a great advantage during their commercialization.

Delivery time of a render

The delivery time for a client is the most important thing for us since many of our clients already have an advertising service contracted with time to start and finish.

Our delivery times may vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. Taking into account that a package of 6 to 10 Render of a residential house can take a week. Just as a Render package of a departmental building can be extended up to 3 weeks, many of these times depend on the communication with the client, the changes that are being made and the workload that the office has.


What is a render?

The Render or architectural visualization consists of a digital interpretation recreated in a 3d design program in order to show the idea of ​​an architect through a photorealistic virtual scenario.  

This digital marketing tool helps to create a greater visual impact of the architectural project and makes it easier to understand the volume of a building, since it creates an easier relationship between the buyer and the product. The 3d modeling process helps to understand many technical and constructive issues prior to the construction stage.

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Texmap Image Representation

What is the process of creating a Render?

Among the first steps to be able to carry out a professional Render it is necessary that the architect can have the plans and know the objectives to be shown of the project, in Stiillframe Render Studio we take care of moderating the architectural project .

The Render process goes through several stages in the world of ARCHVIZ or CGI . Starting with the collection of necessary information, such as plans, textures, setting, decoration and lighting, then we continue with the realization of the 3d volume, lighting and texture tests, followed by the positioning of cameras and setting. Ending with rendering and post-production.

Render Types

The Render most common are:  Exterior Render, Render Interior ,  Render Air, 3D rendering plant ,  cutting 3D section , Landscaping , Render 360 , and can be divided into Render Render day or night.

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What is a photorealistic render for?

The photorealistic rendering in the real estate sector has become an important work and marketing tool, due to the amount of competition that exists in the market, this helps to sell the project with a preview or as it is normally called a project presale real estate , in a Render there must be a visual differentiator adhering to photorealism, making it easier to identify what is being proposed and what will be delivered to the client.

Among the differentiators that give an advantage to a professional Render can be appreciated the textures, the furniture, the setting, the natural lighting, the artificial lighting, the landscape and the decoration. Resolution plays an important role in the size of an image is an important factor in its use, since it allows them to take a Render to different applications, be it for print advertising, applications, billboards or projectors and 4k and 8k screens.

The professional Render also helps make the idea of ​​an architect more credible for people, since in an interior Render you can appreciate all the space and atmosphere of a house.

In the case of the exterior render , this allows us to understand the shape of the house, the heights, the textures, the colors, the landscaping, among other things.

It should be noted that the real estate sector is not the only one that works with Render, since it is currently also used by Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers, Product Designers, and this allows them to show and sell a project even when it is in their construction stages and having a high-quality display with all its details gives them a great advantage during their commercialization.

Delivery time of a render

The delivery time for a client is the most important thing for us since many of our clients already have an advertising service contracted with time to start and finish.

Our delivery times may vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. Taking into account that a package of 6 to 10 Render of a residential house can take a week. Just as a Render package of a departmental building can be extended up to 3 weeks, many of these times depend on the communication with the client, the changes that are being made and the workload that the office has.


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